Justin Lewis | Adventure + Water Sports
/“Janie helped me get back on track with a one-year plan to find new clients and expand my business.”
Rarely does a passion for adventure lend itself so well to a career than it does in the case of Justin Lewis. His vision translates to imagery with power, balance and beauty. His appreciation and love for nature is deeply apparent in his films and photographs and his immersive approach fills his work with detail and emotion. From water sports and lifestyle shoots, to nature films, popular stock images and undersea photography, Justin’s portfolio reflects the world as he sees it — and how many of us wish we could.
The Challenge
Justin wanted to make his heart’s work, work for him by allowing him to do what he loved and make a living doing it. He had the talent, and a portfolio overflowing with gorgeous imagery.
He'd seen success in shooting for stock photography, but with the many changes to that industry, he knew he needed to put himself out there to land more commercial assignment projects. He needed help shaping his massive body of work and learning how to get work in the new marketing arena.
He needed a plan and someone to hold him accountable to his dreams.
The Results
The Marketing Creatives' team delivered! With a hip new website, logo redesign and engaging social media presence we helped him hone his brand and his message for today's new markets. He engaged his past, present and future clients with a strong telling of his story. Then he created his Plan to gain more visibility through strategic, coordinated marketing.
In His Own Words
"I will not tell you this process was all fun or easy. Being responsible to your choices to be in business is different than nurturing your passion. They fuel one another but they are very different animals with very different skill sets.
Marketing Creatives has amazing team members in design and social media who took the strategy we built and made it public with stories to tell past, present and future clients. Janie was relentless – reminding me that I had asked for that collaboration and accountability when we began to work together.
It was hard. It was expensive. It took time and work that I wished I didn’t have to do. But it was exactly what I needed – a new rendition of my best self.
Seeing my work in a beautiful new website was exhilarating. Creating new promotions was scary and more difficult than I thought it would be – staying true to my strategy so I could achieve my goals and make a living doing what I love proved to be very different from showing some images on FB or working on spec.
The hardest part is that this is just the beginning. Talking with Janie gets me all fired up and inspired. Marketing Creatives delivered smart consultation and strong accountability."